SmartTID offers an extended single sign on with use of Microsoft Entra ID (former Azure AD) with your own subdomain like

This makes it very easy and secure for the users to login and you don't need to manage passwords within SmartTID and your level of security like two factor authentication etc. will be applied here as well.

All you must to is create the user within SmartTID with an e-mail address matching the e-mail from the user in Microsoft Entra ID and assign the role for the user. Se more info about creating users here (in danish) 

Be aware
The e-mail we match between Microsoft Entra and the user in SmartTID is the primary e-mail used to login with Microsoft. It's also called the userPrincipalName

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Create an app registration

To make this work you need to setup an app registration in Microsoft Entra ID

So create a new app registration and send these informations to us
  • Application (client) ID
  • Object ID
  • Directory Tenant ID
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Create a secret token

After you have created the app registration you need to create a client secret and send the value to us as well.

Be aware that this secret will expire after the months you select and you will have to generate a new one in proper time for us to update in our end as well.

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